Happy Tail Syndrome in Dogs

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Happy Tail Syndrome in Dogs

A dog’s wagging tail is one of the most common signs of a happy dog. When something excites a dog, he keeps on wagging his tail back and forth. The tail is an extended part of your dog’s body, and every dog has a natural instinct to wag their tail when something excites them but no owner would have thought that such tail-wagging behavior can result in a serious medical condition known as a happy tail syndrome.

A happy tail syndrome is a painful medical condition in which the tail of a dog gets injured when he repeatedly wag his tail back & forth against any hard surface. Dogs belonging to the large breeds are more prone to the happy tail syndrome as they tend to wag their tail wildly against furniture, walls, etc which can result in an open wound. Fixing tail injuries can be quite challenging for veterinarians. If your dog also gets over-excited & wags his tail a little too hard while greeting you after a long day at work then you need to take necessary precautions to stop this behavior otherwise the tip of the tail may get wounded.

happy-tail-syndromeSome dogs keep on wagging their tail against a hard object even when it starts hurting them. The happy tail syndrome can result in splitting & bleeding tail. Unlike many dog syndrome, happy dog syndrome may not sound like a severe one but it can surely cause infection or bleeding if left untreated.

What is Happy tail syndrome?

A happy tail syndrome is a painful medical condition in dogs in which a dog injured his tail while wagging his tail vigorously against hard surfaces. The recurring wagging results in causes splits on the tip of the dog’s tail. The risk of infection also increases when the tip of the tail gets splitting open. Large breeds of dogs are more prone to this issue as they have strong tail & have a vigorous tail-wagging behavior. Small breeds dogs are less likely to be affected with the happy tail syndrome as their tail is quite short & is also not powerful enough. Breeds of dogs that are more prone to the happy tail syndrome are Labrador, Pitbulls, Great Danes & hunting breeds.

happy-tail-syndromeHow happy tail syndrome happens in dogs?

To be able to understand how happy tail syndrome happens in dogs, it is essential to understand how happy tail syndrome happens in dogs. A dog’s tail is an extended part from his spine and has around 20 vertebrae (or fewer vertebrae in smaller breeds) which give him good flexibility. A layer of thick skin & short hair also covers the tail. When a dog feels over-excited, he tends to shake his tail back & forth which results in causing severe injuries to the tip of the tail. When the tail gets hit over a prolonged period of time then it can result in the happy tail syndrome in dogs. Although it may not seem like a severe medical condition, but because the tip of the tale takes too long to get completely healed & treating tail injuries is quite a challenge for veterinarians so, this condition should be taken seriously.

Symptoms of the happy tail syndrome

If your dog gets super energetic when he sees something exciting & tends to wag his tail like a lash of a whip then he develops a higher risk of a happy tail syndrome in the long run. Here’s some of the common symptoms that you may notice if your dog has a happy tail syndrome.

  • Biting marks at the tail
  • Bald spots on the tail
  • Bleeding from tail
  • Raw patches on the tail

Breeds of dogs prone to the happy tail syndrome

  • Pitbull terriers
  • Labrador retriever
  • German shepherd
  • Boxer
  • Greyhounds
  • Doberman

happy-tail-syndromeTreatment of the happy tail syndrome

The treatment of a dog’s happy tail syndrome completely depends on the severity of the wound. The veterinarian will thoroughly determine the condition of the tail. In the case of a mild happy tail, the doctor will bandage the tip of the dog’s tail to let it heal. Sometimes, the veterinarian may make your dog wear an Elizabethan collar to keep the dog from chewing the bandage. In severe cases, a bacterial or viral infection can occur on the wound so your doctor will probably prescribe some medication to treat the infection & the wound.

Prevention of the happy tail syndrome

First of all, to prevent happy tail syndrome in your dog, you need to keep your dog away from hard surfaces. The next thing that one should do is consider retraining your dog to minimize his excitement level. The third thing that you can do is feed him high nutritious food which can offer his adequate nutrients to maintain a strong immune system.

Final Thoughts

Happy tail syndrome is quite painful for dogs and it is every dog owner’s responsibility to ensure that his furry companion’s health remains intact so always teach your dog to minimize his excitement level in order to avoid any possibility of a happy tail syndrome.

October 31, 2019|Dog Health

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