dog health


Feeding good nutritious food is the most essential thing to keep your dog’s health intact. Moreover, the dog owner needs to follow certain rules for ensuring healthy life of his dog.

  • Feed him high quality dog food: you must consider feeding only high-quality food as low-quality food may not able to provide the nutrition that a dog’s body requires.
  • Regular visits to veterinarian: regular health check-up is the golden rule for ensuring healthy life of your dog as your dog may prevent many possible diseases from occurring.
  • Groom him regularly: grooming your dog is an important not only to make your dog look fancy but also from his health’s perspective. Trimming or cutting the nails, brushing and regular bathing keeps the dog healthy & hygienic and away from any kind of allergies.
  • Proper dental care: don’t wait for any dental diseases to occur to visit a dentist. tartar build-up can cause severe problems so brush you dog’s teeth regularly and also don’t forget to visit the dentist once in a while.

What’s Systemic Infection & Its Effects On Dogs?

  • Wed Jul 20 | Categories:Dog Care

Do you know what is the normal temperature for dogs? Well, in the range of 101-102.5 F. Does your dog seem tired or less into himself in addition to a high temperature? Has your furry friend skipped meals and napped all day? In this care, you need to be alarmed!! There’s something really wrong!! And,… Continue reading What’s Systemic Infection & Its Effects On Dogs?

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heat in dogs

How Does Global Warming Affect Your Dog?

  • Tue Jul 5 | Categories:Dog Health

Summers can get very hot and brutal all across the globe. And, most people are unaware that with rising temperatures, animals are most affected. Heat in dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, etc. become common in this season. According to records, the last 2-3 years have been the hottest of all times. Heatwave affects both, stray animals… Continue reading How Does Global Warming Affect Your Dog?

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Reasons for Feeding problem in dogs

  • Tue May 25 | Categories:Dog Health

Mealtime is the most favorite part of the day for most canine companions, but not always. Just like humans, dogs can have eating issues too. Seeing a dog refusing food can be heart-breaking for any dog owner. Generally, when a dog is not well then, he loses his appetite. One missed meal is not a… Continue reading Reasons for Feeding problem in dogs

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Top 7 Dog Dental Health Questions

  • Fri May 21 | Categories:Dog Health

As a pet owner, you must have received recommendations regarding your dog’s dental health. We all know how caring about dog’s mouth, teeth, and gums can help in avoiding any health hazard, but many pet owners still feel hesitant to get involved with their pooch’s dental care. Overlooking dental health can result in causing many… Continue reading Top 7 Dog Dental Health Questions

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Impressive Tricks to Teach your Dog

  • Fri Jul 24 | Categories:Dog Health

Trick training is a great way to spice up your pet’s life as it not only provides him stimulation but also helps in strengthing your bond with him. Sit, stay, and come commands are a few fundamental commands that every dog owner should teach his furry companion but dogs are capable of much more than… Continue reading Impressive Tricks to Teach your Dog

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Common Health Problems in Senior Dogs

  • Thu Jul 23 | Categories:Dog Health

When a dog enters his seniorhood then he is more likely to develop some age-related health issues, however, with good care, you can help your dog lead a healthy & happy life. Just like humans,  dogs can also become less enthusiastic about reaching seniorhood. From food, exercise to general care, a senior dog has unique… Continue reading Common Health Problems in Senior Dogs

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Tips to Help Feed a Picky Dog

  • Sat Jul 18 | Categories:Dog Health

Feeding a picky dog is a daunting task. Imagine spending hours on preparing delicious food for your dog only to find that he refuses to eat it. Many dog owners have to face the dilemma of dealing with a picky dog that doesn’t have a love for food. Just like humans, dogs can be a… Continue reading Tips to Help Feed a Picky Dog

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Is BARF Diet Good For Your Dog?

  • Sat Jul 18 | Categories:Dog Health

BARF refers to “Biologically Approved Raw Food” and it consists of uncooked meat, bones, fish, minerals & supplements which help in improving dog’s health & longevity. BARF is a natural diet that dogs have been eating before even getting domesticated so feeding raw food to dogs is completely safe. Commercial pet food has a long… Continue reading Is BARF Diet Good For Your Dog?

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Dealing with Diarrhea in Dogs

  • Fri Jul 17 | Categories:Dog Health

Diarrhea is one of the most common issues that dogs tend to experience. Dogs are known to eat anything & everything which is why they end up having mild to severe diarrhea. Generally, diarrhea occurs when your furry companion’s digestive system meets something that it can’t handle. Diarrhea is characterized by loose stools accompanied by… Continue reading Dealing with Diarrhea in Dogs

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Common Eye Problems in Dogs

  • Sat Jul 11 | Categories:Dog Health

Every dog owner should Keep his furry companion’s eye health in check to keep his vision intact. Issues related to your canine’s eyes can become worsen in a short span of time if you don’t pay attention to it at the right time. Eyes are not only the window to your soul but also your… Continue reading Common Eye Problems in Dogs

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Is It Safe to Feed Raw Eggs To Dogs?

  • Fri Jun 26 | Categories:Dog Health

When it comes to deciding the dog’s menu, one of the most frequently asked questions of dog owners is that can they feed raw eggs to their furry companion. There is a major misconception among people that feeding raw eggs can put a dog’s health in danger ranging from high cholesterol to high risk of… Continue reading Is It Safe to Feed Raw Eggs To Dogs?

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Benefits of Raw Food Diet for Dogs

  • Sat Jun 20 | Categories:Dog Health

Keeping your dog on a raw food diet is quite controversial as many dog owners think that it is not the correct type of diet for dogs. However, the raw food diet has immense health benefits which can help in keeping your dog healthy & happy. Raw or BARF diet for dogs is a natural… Continue reading Benefits of Raw Food Diet for Dogs

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