dog training


Training is the ideal way to teach your dog the basic manner and obedience. By training your dog you can build up a lifelong companionship with him. It will help them to socialize. they have an animal instinct in them due to which they bite, chew, bark unnecessarily so they need training as these habits may harm them and anyone around them so training is necessary for improving their behavior skills.

  • Training helps in establishing a good relationship.
  • Your dog would get to learn some life skills.
  • Training helps to prevent the anxiety in dogs.
  • Training helps in keeping your dog in discipline

The dog owner must consider training their dog in order to filter their behavior.

top 4 ways to exercise your dog inside the house

Top 4 Ways To Exercise Your Dog Inside The House

  • Tue Jul 19 | Categories:Dog Training

Is it snowing outside? Also, your backyard is covered in snow? Or, maybe it’s totally opposite!! Is it far too hot to go outside on a walk or to play? Well, that’s an issue if you have pets at home. The dogs go bonkers if they don’t get to go on walks outside or play!!… Continue reading Top 4 Ways To Exercise Your Dog Inside The House

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Hire A Dog Trainer

Top 4 Signs For You To Hire A Dog Trainer

  • Wed Jul 13 | Categories:Dog Care

“Hire a dog trainer! But what’s the need?” This is what you’ll hear if you tell a dog owner to hire a dog trainer. Most dog owners don’t understand the need to hire one. This article will give you a brief on top signs for you to hire a dog trainer. Sending your pet to… Continue reading Top 4 Signs For You To Hire A Dog Trainer

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Training a Deaf Dog

  • Wed May 26 | Categories:Dog Training

Most dog owners think twice before bringing a hearing-impaired dog. As they were once thought to be difficult to train, but it is absolutely not true. Deaf dogs can live normal lives & they can easily be trained. Deafness in dogs can be partial or complete. Some dogs are born with genetic defects whereas some… Continue reading Training a Deaf Dog

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How to Walk Two Dogs Together?

  • Mon May 24 | Categories:Dog Training

Walking a single dog is a fun activity for every dog owner, but when there are two dogs in a household, then dog walking can feel like a daunting task. Taking two dogs on a walk together can be hazardous if the dogs aren’t well-trained or if you don’t manage them like a pack leader.… Continue reading How to Walk Two Dogs Together?

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How to Stop your Dog from Begging?

  • Wed Jun 24 | Categories:Dog Training

We all know what happens every time you sit on the table to have your meal, and as you attempt to take the first bite, your adorable furry companion comes & sits next to you, eyeing your food longingly. Not many people know that begging comes naturally to dogs so when they handed out a… Continue reading How to Stop your Dog from Begging?

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How to Stop your Dog from Pulling the Leash?

  • Thu Jun 11 | Categories:Dog Training

Are you wondering why your dog pulls the leash aggressively every time you take him on a walk? Well, you’re not alone, most dog owners face this issue. It may be a common issue but the dog owner should pay attention & put efforts in teaching his dog some leash manners. Just like potty training,… Continue reading How to Stop your Dog from Pulling the Leash?

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What You Should Know About Dog Muzzles?

  • Thu Oct 3 | Categories:Dog Training

Muzzle or a mouthguard is a tool that is placed over the mouth of the dog to keep him from barking or biting.  Sometimes, a dog can become too aggressive, and to limit the damage, it is essential for every dog owner to act responsibly & place a muzzle over his mouth. A muzzle is… Continue reading What You Should Know About Dog Muzzles?

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Understanding canine communication

  • Thu Aug 29 | Categories:Dog Training

Although dogs are innocent speechless creatures, however, they still do communicate non-verbally through their body language. By having a deep understanding of their body movements & gestures, one can easily get to know about what his furry companion is trying to tell him. It may take a while to completely understand what a dog is… Continue reading Understanding canine communication

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How to improve dogs recall?

  • Wed Aug 28 | Categories:Dog Training

Training recall command to your dog is of utmost importance as it helps in ensuring that whenever your pooch will hear you calling his name then he will come running back to you. Being able to stop your dog from what he is doing and ask him to return straight to you requires months of… Continue reading How to improve dogs recall?

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Tips to teach your dog to swim

  • Fri Aug 10 | Categories:Dog Training

Not all breed of dogs are natural paddlers, some breed of dogs needs to learn the skill of swimming. Just like humans, dogs also need to take swimming lessons before splashing into the swimming pool. Breeds like Retrievers, Newfoundland, and Spaniel don’t face any problem in swimming whereas breeds like a Boxer, Bulldog, and Bashir… Continue reading Tips to teach your dog to swim

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Understanding submissive behavior in dogs

  • Sat Aug 4 | Categories:Dog Training

Most dog owners wonder why some dogs display overly submissive behavior and other dogs display dominant behavior. Submissive dogs don’t have aggression issues however, they have a low self-esteem issue which the pack leader should consider treating otherwise his dog will become a fearful dog. Just like a dominant dog needs proper training to get… Continue reading Understanding submissive behavior in dogs

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How to teach your dog not to jump?

  • Fri Aug 3 | Categories:Dog Training

Some dog owners enjoy when their furry companion greets them by jumping up on them whereas most dog owners find this behavior annoying. Jumping on people is an attention seeking behavior which a dog owner should consider changing otherwise it can become a big problematic issue when the dog gets older. The dog owner should… Continue reading How to teach your dog not to jump?

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