What’s Systemic Infection & Its Effects On Dogs?
Do you know what is the normal temperature for dogs? Well, in the range of 101-102.5 F. Does your dog seem tired or less into himself in addition to a high temperature? Has your furry friend skipped meals and napped all day? In this care, you need to be alarmed!! There’s something really wrong!! And, the maximum probability is that your dog is suffering from ‘Systemic Infection’. New dog parents will have a question, “What’s Systemic Infection & Its Effects On Dogs?”.
Let’s start with some basic information:
What exactly is Systemic Infection?
As the name suggests, this infection involves the entire system, i.e., the entire body! You heard it right!! Not a single organ, not a single spot on the body, not a single body part, but the complete body is affected by this infection. Dehydration is also one of the symptoms that can be noticed in dogs. Loss of weight and nausea can be experienced due to loss of appetite and diarrhea.
For diagnosis of this infection, the vet needs to run a blood test, CT scans, ultrasound, and urine test. In case of dehydration, fluids might be given to your pet.
The doctor usually prescribes antibiotics and some supplements depending on the severity of the infection. Also, in case of high temperature, cooling measures are taken.
The ultrasound helped us rule out any masses or tumors (thank goodness!!!) and the vet was able to diagnose the systemic infection.
What to do next?
If your dog is diagnosed with a systemic infection, first, just calm down and don’t panic.
You must be thinking, “How can I calm down in such a situation?” We agree that it is easier said than done! It is a worrisome and scary situation to see your pet so sick. But, it is important for you to stay strong.
Here, we have jotted down a few things that might help you and are a must in such a situation:
Regular Communication Source with A Vet
Always ensure with your vet to confirm the source of communication, be it via email or phone. Also, we know you’re worried about your pet’s health, but, it is very important as well as generous to stay calm and polite while contacting the vet. Well, you obviously want your furry friend to get better soon!!
Always Follow The Prescription
You might find the medications, therapies, or tests prescribed by the vet a bit too much. But, it is needed for your pet’s good health. Trusting your vet is very necessary. The process of recovery can be slow, but stay put with your vet. Believe us, ‘A vet knows what’s best for your pet’.
Restrictions Are Necessary
You might find it next to impossible, especially with dogs who are always energized and always stay excited for walks, hugs, games, etc. But, rest is a must to recover fast. It is the same for us, humans, whenever we get ill, we need rest to recover, like ‘a lot of rest’. The same is applicable to our pets. So, it is required to impose some restrictions. Short walks, no jumping around, and less exertion are the keys to getting well soon.
Regular Monitoring
You can’t run to a vet every now and then, unless really necessary. Such as, taking your dog’s body temperature. Stay connected to your vet over calls or vis email to provide regular updates. Keeping a check on weight, a close look at the eye color, and the texture of the nose is important. Do it regularly and update your vet too if you see any major differences.
Stay Strong, Don’t Give Up On Your Loved Pet
Giving up should never be an option! There might come a time (well, not in all cases) when you see your dog recovering, but, all of a sudden the condition worsens. Just work with the vet and get the medications rechecked. It might take longer than expected for your pet to recover. But, trust us, if you stay strong and determined, your pet can sense that and recover soon.
These are some basic things you must always keep in mind. Also, always keep a check on what you feed your dog. This will not only improve its gut health but also prevent any medical complications in the future.
Also, your vet might prescribe some probiotics or supplements. Just remember to space them out with any other medications. Your pet will recover slowly. Just keep a check on the appetite, drinking liquids, stool, and energy levels. Anything suspicious? Ask your vet!!
Wrapping it up, we would say that it’s a phase and it’ll pass. Just stay strong and be with your furry friend. Take proper care of your dog’s health and it’ll all be good. For more information on dog health, dog nutrition, dog training, and dog care, check out our blog.
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